What to Expect Before TMS Treatment Starts

1) Make the call

When you first reach out to us, we will be happy to answer any questions you may have about TMS. You can also text us or email us, but talking over the phone is the easiest and fastest way to cover the information quickly.

If you’re ready to move forward with TMS, we will ask you for some basic personal information, along with your insurance* policy credentials, so that we can find out if your plan covers TMS, and what your financial portion will be.

*If you’d rather not use insurance, we can provide you with the cash-pay price over the phone.

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2) Visit the Office

Once we have the information we need from your insurance, we will call to set up a time for you to come by the office. You’ll be able to see the treatment room and TMS device, speak with the person who will be treating you, and fill out paperwork.

This paperwork is important, because it allows us to build a case for prior authorization,* which most insurance companies require prior to starting treatment.

Once our office has everything we need, we’ll take it from there. We may need to call you for additional help tracking down essential documentation, but we’ll let you know.

*If you will be paying for your treatment completely out-of-pocket, we won’t need to build a case for prior authorization, so go ahead and skip to step 4.

NeuroStar TMS Chair in Coeur d'Alene
closeup of a woman doing paperwork for TMS

3) Wait for Approval

Gathering all the documentation can take a bit of effort, so from the time you come in to fill out paperwork to when we receive the approval, it can take up to 3 weeks.

It will depend on your insurance, their requirements, and how quickly we can obtain documentation from past providers.

But we won’t forget about you—we will be in touch with you throughout the process to give you updates. And don’t hesitate to call or text if you have any questions or concerns.

smiling young woman sitting on her bed talking on the phone

4) Schedule Your First Treatment

Once we have the go-ahead from your insurance, we will give you a call or a text (depending on your preference) to schedule your first treatment with Dr Kirby.

Depending on your availability and the doctor’s, this will usually happen within a week.

closeup of a hand writing on a calendar

Call to get started
